To object by email
1. Write to
2. The subject of the email should be
09/02430/WAS - 1 New Cheshire Business Park, Wincham
3.Include the following at the start of your email content
Applicant Name : Resource Recovery Solutions
Application Reference Number : 09/02430/WAS
4. The content of the email needs to make it clear that you wish to object and should include the word object. For example it might simply say : "I am writing to object to the above application because ..."
5. Include as many or as few reasons for objection as you wish. It can be just one sentence.
6. It is vital to add your name and address to the email.
7. Ask them to confirm receipt of your objection as we know of one going astray and being lodged against a totally different planning application despite it stating the site address and the applicants name! To help us monitor for "lost" objections please forward a copy to
To object by letter
Letters must include the same information as above and be sent to:
Jon Sutcliffe, Area Planning Manager (Strategic Projects and Highways Development), 2nd Floor, The Forum, Chester, CH1 2HS
Some common reasons for objecting are :
- The proposal is not needed as facilities are currently being developed capable of meeting the capacity of forecasted waste in Cheshire. We don't wish to import more waste into Cheshire.
- An oversupply of thermal treatment capacity will act as a disincentive to recycling and other forms of genuinely sustainable waste management. If other places can recycle 70% so can we.
- Thermal treatment plants generate particulate matter, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), heavy metals, dioxins, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, mercury, carbon dioxide and furans to be distributed in the communities surrounding, and downwind of them. A totally unnecessary health risk. Some of these pollutants are accumulative which could cause lasting harm to both arable and dairy farming in the area. This plant will only monitor dioxins 4 times a year!
- All the HGVs will be using the A559 (Stretton to Lostock). This is totally unacceptable as it is the sixth most dangerous road in Cheshire and marked by the council as a hazardous high collision red route. 146 HGV movements a day will blight all villages en route.
- The proposed site is less than 45m from some homes, within 400m of numerous homes, and 850m from a primary school. The location of the plant will literally split the village in two. To walk/bicycle from upper to lower Wincham along Wincham Lane would feel too risky due to HGV's.
- The noise and light pollution from the plant and its traffic is totally unacceptable given the proximity of housing. There will be light pollution every night. A reversing klaxon will be heard in the village approximately every 7 minutes. RRS do not believe this to be a problem!
- The visual impact of a 60m chimney would negatively affect the surrounding areas.