How you can help stop the incinerator.

Timing is key to objecting so please check here regularly to know dates and action required as the situation unfolds. Please ignore speculation that the fight is over as the councils can no longer afford a thermal treatment plant. The planning process still needs fighting this spring with the related PFI contract decision due in the summer.
NOW - Object in writing to the planning dept quoting reference 09/02430/WAS. Further details in a post below. Help friends, neighbours and family to object. Stay in the loop by either checking this blog, joining Wincham Post on facebook, or email us so we have your email address.
May - To show our strength of feeling we need as many as possible of us to fill the public gallery when the application is decided by the Strategic Planning Committee, generally either in Winsford or Chester. Usually held at 4pm. We will advise when this is as soon as we know, and help co-ordinate transport. Only one or two of us will be able to speak. SID Chair Geoff Eden 07989 520202. Parish Cllr Linda Moss 07773 913009.

Friday, 16 October 2009

SID would like Cheshire to strive for the 70% recycling rate achieved by two other councils

See  Rochford and South Oxfordshire 

Not sure how motivated RRS would be as a partner helping Cheshire go from our current 47% to 70%. It is also very hard to make sense of this quote "RRS’s solution sits alongside the Council’s continued efforts to encourage people to reduce, reuse and recycle waste." They only pull out 5%  of the 200,000 tonnes pa to recycle. If some councils can recycle 70% now imagine how high that figure could be before the 25 year contract with RRS expires. We are not allowed to see details of the £850 million contract so hard to compare costs per tonne to recycle v burning, or to see if we would pay less to RRS if our household waste dropped to 100,000 tonnes per year. Would they scale down the plant, or would they import rubbish from outside to burn here?

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