How you can help stop the incinerator.

Timing is key to objecting so please check here regularly to know dates and action required as the situation unfolds. Please ignore speculation that the fight is over as the councils can no longer afford a thermal treatment plant. The planning process still needs fighting this spring with the related PFI contract decision due in the summer.
NOW - Object in writing to the planning dept quoting reference 09/02430/WAS. Further details in a post below. Help friends, neighbours and family to object. Stay in the loop by either checking this blog, joining Wincham Post on facebook, or email us so we have your email address.
May - To show our strength of feeling we need as many as possible of us to fill the public gallery when the application is decided by the Strategic Planning Committee, generally either in Winsford or Chester. Usually held at 4pm. We will advise when this is as soon as we know, and help co-ordinate transport. Only one or two of us will be able to speak. SID Chair Geoff Eden 07989 520202. Parish Cllr Linda Moss 07773 913009.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Seasons Greetings from the Santa SIDs protest "choir"

To witness the wonder of SID song lyrics peek in comments below. Feel free to add your own suggestions!


  1. Hi Linda

    great blog! Why didn't you tell me about it?



  2. Jingle cans, jingle cans, recycle all the way.
    Oh what fun it will be if they don't get their way.
    Jingle cans, jingle cans, recycle all the way.
    Oh what fun it would be if SID could win the day.

    Have you heard the news, a planning application.
    RRS it is, blighting our location.
    Wagons on country roads, a chimney in the sky.
    What a sight it would make, not pleasing on the eye, Oh
    (back to top)

  3. (To the tune of when santa got stuck up the chimney)
    They plan to put up a chimney
    What's it all about
    You councillors won't getany votes
    until you throw it out
    Our heads are clear
    it shouldn't be here
    George is adamant too
    They plan to put up a chimney
    It's no, it's no, it's NO!

  4. SID’s Ode to the Planners and Councillors
    (sung to the tune “Wild Rover” –Dubliners & many folk groups c196…!)
    We went to a meeting were councillors go
    To tell them a waste plant in Wincham is no
    And now we’re returning with objections galore
    You really should show RRS the door
    And it’s no nay never, no nay never no more
    Should they build a waste plant here, no never no more
    The roads are inadequate that is for sure
    With pot holes and S bends they are ever so poor
    Wagons’ a plenty will make them much worse
    The bill for repair from the council tax purse
    Emissions we’re sure will be a source of outrage
    With particles and soot they’re unable to gauge
    All pumped in the air from a hideous stack
    We’re all so against it SID’s on the attack
    So council and planners we ask you to note
    You need to remember the people who vote
    So make sure our children have the chance to play
    And kick out this plan with not a moments delay


    Members of SID (Stop Incineration in Disguise) gave a presentation to members of the strategic planning committee of CWAC on 18 February at county Hall. This was a compelling, fact based presentation illustrating why the majority of the residents of Wincham object to RRS’s planning application for an Incinerator in the village.

    This is the first time a local action group has presented to the Strategic Planning Committee.

    Said Geoff Eden, chairman of SID, “We gave a factual, well researched, informative presentation, which has hopefully given the Strategic Planning Committee significant food for thought. Despite reports in the Northwich Guardian stating that Cheshire West and Chester Council is reviewing the PFI situation, this review will probably take place after the planning application is considered. Consequently we have to continue to fight to prevent the prospect of an Incinerator being sited in our village.”
